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turboDial Panel

Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

    1. I don’t understand the purpose of one of the turboDial buttons.

    2. How can I get the Dial Pad to display in the lower-right corner of my turboDial panel?

    3. The Call Outcome selector is disabled on my turboDial panel.

Questions & Answers

I don’t understand the purpose of one of the turboDial buttons.

Please visit the Detailed Tour page – it has a description for every button.

How can I get the Dial Pad to display in the lower-right corner of my turboDial panel?

If you use the Global Options to enable List Dialing in your account then the Dial Pad will be normally hidden. If the Dial Pad is hidden you can click the “open” button in the lower-left corner of the List Dialing section to temporarily display the Dial Pad. (more information here)
The Dial Pad is not a required feature for your use of turboDial because you can easily dial digits 0-9, * and # by pressing the corresponding keyboard keys.  You can also press the letter keys to dial the digit corresponding to the letter.

The Call Outcome selector is disabled on my turboDial panel.

This selector is directly tied to a custom field you must set up in your Keap account. The custom field must follow these requirements:

  • It must be a Task/Appt/Note-type custom field.  It is NOT a Contact custom field.
  • Its name must be ‘Call Outcome’
  • It must have a Field Type of:  ‘Dropdown’
  • It must have pre-set values provided by you.

The values pre-set for the field will be used the only choices available to you from your turboDial panel.

Please see Call Note Custom Fields for full instructions on how to set these up.