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Note Record Custom Fields

turboDial creates a Note for every outbound call and attaches it to the contact record. If you have the Enhanced Inbound add-on then turboDial also creates a Note for every inbound call where the Caller ID number can be found in an existing contact record.

turboDial also creates a Note for every SMS text message sent and received, and one of the fields below is filled for either calls or text messages.

If you have added the custom fields found below into your Keap account then turboDial will fill them at the time the Note is created.

These custom fields must be added at Keap->Admin->Settings page of your Keap account in the Task/Appt/Note context. And they must be named exactly as shown here (capitalization is critical):

  • Call Outcome
    • (field type = ‘Dropdown’)
    • The values you provide for the Dropdown field will be picked up and offered to you on the Call Outcome selector in turboDial.
    • Here are some example Call Outcome values:
      • Delivered quote (follow up)
        Agreed to get a quote (follow up)
        Not ready now (follow up)
        Agreed to buy (follow up)
        Not interested
        Did not reach them
    • To have a certain internal form pop up when a Call Outcome is picked, click here.
    • To setup or learn about multi-category Call Outcomes, click here.
    • You should develop your own set of Call Outcome values that will help you track your phone call campaigns.
  • Duration
    • (field type = ‘Whole Number’)
    • The approximate duration in seconds for the call. This value is usually 3-15 seconds longer than the actual talk time of the call because it also counts the time to connect. It can be treated mathematically using the Keap Dashboard Custom Statistics widget, for example using Sum or Average.
  • Direction
    • (field type = ‘Text’)
    • turboDial will fill it with the word  ‘inbound’ or ‘outbound’  for Call Notes and SMS Notes, and you can use that as a filter in reports.
  • M Duration
    • (field type = ‘Decimal Number’)
    • The approximate duration in minutes for the call. It is a decimal value, so a call that lasts 1 minute and 45 seconds will have a value here of 1.75 . It can be treated mathematically using the Keap Dashboard Custom Statistics widget, for example using Sum or Average.
  • HMS Duration
    • (field type = ‘Text’)
    • The approximate duration in for the call in HH:MM:SS format. It is a text value, so a call that lasts 1 minute and 45 seconds will have a value here of 00:01:45.  It cannot be treated mathematically using the Keap Dashboard Custom Statistics widget.
  • Call Recording
    • (field type = ‘Website’)
    • The clickable link URL of the call recording that was created with the phone call. This custom field is required to exist before the Call Recording feature is functional.
  • Leave Message Recording
    • (field type = ‘Website’)
    • The clickable link URL of the recording you instructed turboDial to leave as a message on their answering machine
  • Start Time
    • (field type = ‘Text’)
    • The start time for the call formatted to enable sorting
  • Inbound Number
    • (field type = ‘Text’)
    • For SMS text messages that arrive inbound, turboDial will fill this field with the inbound number the message was sent to.
    • If you have the Enhanced Inbound add-on, then for phone calls that arrive inbound turboDial will fill this field with the inbound number the call was placed to.
  • List ID
    • (field type = ‘Text’)
    • This field will be filled in with the Keap Saved Search/Report List ID number for the Saved Search you have your turboDial Saved Search selector set to when you call a Contact. It can be used to associate the call  attempt to a specific list.
    • IMPORTANT: If you’re calling Contacts that aren’t on the Saved Search your selector is set to, make sure to set the Saved Search selector to Saved Search before calling them so that the wrong List ID isn’t stored in the resulting Call Note.
    • The List ID for a Saved Search or Saved Report can be found by referring to the video in this guide.
  • Agent Wait Time
    • (field type = ‘Whole Number’)
    • For Dynamic Dial calls that are connected to an Agent this field will be filled in with the time in seconds the Agent waited to be connected to a call.
  • TwilioID1
    • (field type = ‘Text’)
    • turboDial uses this field to achieve greater efficiency in use of the Keap API. It is highly recommended that you create this field and the next one.
  • TwilioID2
    • (field type = ‘Text’)
    • turboDial uses this field to achieve greater efficiency in use of the Keap API. It is highly recommended that you create this field and the previous one.
  • Caller ID
    • (field type = “Text”)
    • The phone number the called or texted Contact sees.

Add some or all of the above custom fields in the Task/Appt/Note portion of your Keap account using the exact names and field types provided above, and turboDial will automatically fill them with each Note created when calls and text messages are made or received.

All of the above fields also apply to inbound calls if you have the Enhanced Inbound feature, except for the “Leave Message Recording” field.

Demo Video: Setup Call Note Custom Fields

Note, the fields you will set up are not Contact custom fields. Watch the video carefully.