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Call Note Records & Reports

Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

  1. The duration of phone calls as stated in the automated call notes seems longer than the call really took.

  2. How can I apply a tag to the Contacts who have received a specific Call Outcome?

  3. How can I create a report for Inbound Calls to a Specific Number?

Questions & Answers

The duration of phone calls as stated in the automated call notes seems longer than the call really took.

The duration is calculated by Twilio and Twilio begins counting at the moment you make the call.
That means the duration includes the dialing and ringing time before the other party answers. That extra time often adds up to 10 or more seconds.

How can I apply a tag to the Contacts who have received a specific Call Outcome?

Keap’s  “Task Note Report” allows you to search for the Note Records for calls that were saved with the Call Outcome you are interested in. However, that report does not give you a means to apply a tag to the contacts in the report results.

So, you can use the Export function for that report to export it as a CSV file, and the only field you need to include in the export is the “Contact ID”.

Then you can use the “Data Cleanup” tool in Keap at Admin->Data Cleanup to import that CSV file and apply the tag you desire as part of the import.

How can I create a report for Inbound Calls to a Specific Number?

You can add a custom field named “Inbound Number” to your Task Note record custom fields, by following these instructions.

When you have the Inbound Number custom field the call note records created for your Inbound Calls will specify the number that was called, and you can then use that field to filter your reports to focus on a specific Inbound Number.