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International Calling

Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

    1. Will turboDial work in countries outside North America?

    2. Does it affect the cost of the call if I select an international caller ID?

    3. My international phone calls to certain countries always fail.

    4. Requiring the Country Code on my Caller ID means the number must be modified before someone can call it back.
    5. Can I setup an Inside Sales team in another country to call into North America?

Questions & Answers

Will turboDial work in countries outside North America?

Yes, because turboDial works anywhere Twilio works and you can acquire phone numbers in many countries.  However you must authorize your Twilio account for the countries you want to call.

For International calling, be sure your Keap Contact Records have the Country field correctly filled in because turboDial uses it to determine how to re-format the Contact’s phone number to e.164 compatibility. If that field is not filled then turboDial assumes the Contact is in the same Country as the owner of the turboDial account.

So, you can get by without filling the Country field if your Contacts are in the same Country as your turboDial account owner. But if you want to call Internationally then either your Contact Country fields must be accurate or the numbers in your Keap Contact records must already be fully configured for international dialing.

How do your Contact Records get the correct value filled into the Country field?

    • For your contacts who have purchased from you with a credit card the Country field in their Contact Record will already be correctly entered.
    • If you create contacts from web form opt-ins you can include the Country as a required field on the web form.

  • If you serve contacts in only one Country then you could use a “Mass Update” to install the correct Country value into all of your existing Contact Records. And for new contacts coming in to your CRM you can use an Action Set in a Keap campaign to assign the Country value.

Does it affect the cost of the call if I select an international caller ID?

No, the usage cost from Twilio is based on the origination and destination of your call. So, the number called and the Calling Device will affect your charges, but not your Caller ID.

See the FAQs on Twilio for more information.

My international phone calls to certain countries always fail.

You must authorize your Twilio account for the countries you want to call.

For some countries, check to see if your calling destinations could include any from the high-risk section. You may need to authorize calls for both “Low Risk” and “High Risk” phone numbers in your Twilio account

See this page for more information

Requiring the Country Code on my Caller ID means the number must be modified before someone can call it back.

Yes, that is a constraint in the way Twilio works outside of North America. Your Caller ID must be in e.164 format, so in the UK it will be +442012345678. But when you call someone also in the UK they may not be allowed to use that number to call you back. Their phone company may require them to reformat it to 02012345678.

Can I setup an Inside Sales team in another country to call into North America?

Yes, that is a common use of turboDial. For example, your inside sales team in Philippines can use headsets connected to PCs with an Internet connection. They can use a Caller ID set to a North American phone number you own, and use ‘This PC’ as their Calling Device.  With that arrangement your inside sales team can make low-cost calls to your North American contacts.