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turboDial Mobile App

Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

  1. Do I have to be logged in to Keap to use turboDial Mobile?

  2. Can I receive inbound calls on turboDial Mobile?

  3. Can I use turboDial Mobile on a Mac or PC?

  4. Can I be logged in to turboDial Mobile and turboDial for PC/Mac as the same User at the same time?

  5. Can I use turboDial on my cell phone?

Questions & Answers

Do I have to be logged in to Keap to use turboDial Mobile?

No – unlike turboDial for Mac/PC, turboDial Mobile is launched independently from Keap.

Can I receive inbound calls on turboDial Mobile?

For this question it is important to realize that when you acquire an inbound phone number in turboDial you can configure it to forward incoming calls to your mobile phone number. This capability allows you to receive inbound calls on your mobile phone, although it has nothing to do with the turboDial Mobile App.

The Mobile App is a version of turboDial for IOS and Android mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) that offers a subset of the functionality you have in turboDial on the PC. Its primary purpose is for making outbound calls to your Keap contacts when you are away from your PC/Mac computer, and for this purpose must be used in conjunction with a phone to be used as the Calling Device. It also allows you to send text messages through turboDial.

Can I use turboDial Mobile on a Mac or PC?

Yes – you lose functionality compared to the Mac/PC version but you can use turboDial Mobile with Firefox & Chrome and also browsers that turboDial for Mac/PC does not support, such as Safari, Internet Explorer and Opera. On a Mac/PC you should put turboDial Mobile in its own browser window and drag the window size to have dimensions similar to a smartphone.

Can I be logged in to turboDial Mobile and turboDial for PC/Mac as the same User at the same time?


Can I use turboDial on my cell phone?

Yes. There are a few ways to consider this question.

First, if you are using turboDial with your PC you can designate your cell phone as a Calling Device by adding the number to the Calling Device drop-down. Then you can originate calls using  your PC but have the conversation using your cell phone.

Second, you can validate your cell phone number as a Caller ID in turboDial and use that number as your Caller ID when you are making outbound calls with turboDial on your PC.  Then if someone you called chooses to call you back they will call back to your cell phone.

Third, you can use the turboDial Web App on your smartphone. This app is a simplified version of turboDial and it allows you to search for contacts and originate calls to a contact from your smartphone while using one of your turboDial Caller ID numbers rather than displaying the phone number of your mobile phone to the person  you are calling.

Fourth, you can use the turboDial Native App to receive notifications on your smartphone, and can then reply back to SMS messages and call back the callers who called your turboDial number using your smartphone.

Lastly, you can configure one of your turboDial acquired Inbound&SMS number to have the inbound destination be your personal mobile number.