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The dates and times displayed in Keap are based on the timezone set in your browser.

  • Note: Date/Time Custom Fields displayed in the Keap pages do not assume any specific timezone. turboDial stores dates and times in custom fields in the timezone set for the turboDial account.

However, turboDial displays dates and times in the time zone set in your turboDial Management Account on this page via the Update Your Timezone section. If you use the Callback Date feature in turboDial, it also stores and displays the date / time based on your turboDial Management Account’s timezone.

The reason this matters is because your users might see their appointments scheduled at a different time than they expect because your turboDial Management Account could be in Eastern time, but the user’s browser time in Mountain Time. If they save or see a Callback Date in turboDial, they’d naturally think it’s relative to their timezone, but it might not be. Please make sure your users are aware of that.

We recommend you set the timezone in your turboDial Management Account to be the same timezone you’ve setup in your Keap settings.