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Keap and turboDial

Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

    1. I am clicking the turboDial button for a Contact but nothing happens.

    2. Can I launch and use turboDial independently from Keap?

    3. Can I restrict Users to only view Contacts if they own the Contact Record in Keap?

Questions & Answers

Can I launch and use turboDial independently from Keap?

Operating independently from Keap is not recommended at this time.

I am clicking the turboDial button for a Contact but nothing happens.

You must have your browser set to enable Pop-Ups from  and from your own Keap account, which will be similar to but not the same as this: .

Instructions for enabling pop-ups in FireFox are here.

Instructions for enabling pop-ups in Chrome are here.

Can I restrict Users to only view Contacts if they own the Contact Record in Keap?

Yes, using the techniques described below.

Restricting the Contact Search Tool
It is possible to restrict the Contact Search Tool in turboDial so that when a search query is submitted in turboDial only contacts owned by the User will be returned. Find more information here in the Global Options section titled: Restrict views to owned records?

Restriction when Loading a Saved Search
Saved Search Selector: It is not possible to restrict the list of Saved Searches displayed in the List Dialing section.  A Saved Search list can be owned by a specific user in Keap, and also the access in Keap can be restricted based on Keap permissions. However those restrictions are not available via Keap API so turboDial always displays the full set of Saved Searches in the selector regardless of ownership.
Saved Search Loading: However, when a Saved Search list is loaded into turboDial it is possible to restrict the load to only bring in contacts who are owned by the User loading the list. Find more information here in the Global Options section titled: Restrict views to owned records?

Restricting Access to the Green turboDial Button
If you have permissions set in your Keap account so that Users can only view Contacts they own, then they will not have access to the turboDial button on Contacts they do not own since they cannot view those Contacts. That effectively restricts users from navigating to non-owned Contacts in turboDial.