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List Dialing

Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

  1. When I try to load a Saved Search I get an error message about a missing ID column.

  2. The contents of my saved search in Keap is different when it is loaded into turboDial.

  3. I’ve deleted my saved searches in Keap but some still appear in turboDial.

Questions & Answers

When I try to load a Saved Search I get an error message about a missing ID column

When you create a Saved Search in Keap you will not be able to load that list into turboDial if the Saved Search does not include the Contact ID column. When you setup the Saved Search you can configure the “columns” that are visible in the Saved Search listing, and those columns must include the Contact ID or it will not be loadable in turboDial.

All you need to do is view the Saved Search in Keap, click the “Edit Criteria/Columns…” button and in the window that appears choose the Columns tab. In that tab you can find the ID field on the right side and move it the left side. Then click the “Save” button to save your modifications.

You can now retry loading your Saved Search list in turboDial, and it should succeed.

The contents of my saved search in Keap is different when it is loaded into turboDial

If you are seeing a difference in the list of Contacts loaded into turboDial than you see in Keap, there are a number of possible reasons:

First Possibility

First, your list in Keap may be continually changing as Contacts take actions that add them or remove them from your list. But a list that is loaded into turboDial does not automatically receive those changes. You may need to load the latest version of the list into turboDial to get both sides in sync:

    • If you are using Standard List Dialing then you can purge the current list and load the latest list from Keap by first choosing “Saved Search” in the Saved Search selector, and then choose your list and LOAD it again.
    • If you are using Power Dial or Dynamic Dial then to load the latest list from Keap you must first purge your current list from turboDial: Use the red RESET button that appears after a list is loaded to do that.  With Power Dial or Dynamic Dial, turboDial keeps a copy of your saved search on its own servers and you can continue using that local copy for several days, if you desire. However if the contents of that saved search in Keap has changed those changes will not be automatically brought over to the turboDial copy.
      *Please note, a list RESET will affect all users in your account who are currently using the list.
Second Possibility

A second possibility is that the User Permission settings in Keap may be preventing you from viewing all possible Contacts in the saved search in turboDial. You can change your User Permissions in Keap by going to Admin > Users > Edit Permissions to change the permissions of a specific user, or to Admin > Users > Edit Permissions > Edit Global Permissions to change the permissions for all users. 

If changes have been made, make sure to have the user log out and log back in to both Keap and TurboDial.

Third Possibility

If you are using Dynamic Dial , a third possibility is you may have not properly set up your saved search to be used for Dynamic Dial. The Phone1, Phone2, and Phone3 fields should be added as columns for the saved search. If none of the mentioned columns were added, then by default, turboDial will only load the contacts with filled-in Phone1 fields.

I’ve deleted my saved searches in Keap but some still appear in turboDial.

This can happen when there are other users in your Keap account who have created Saved Searches and did not share those Saved Searches with you. In those cases the Saved Searches will not appear in your Keap account. However, because turboDial displays all Saved Searches that exist in your Keap account, you will still see those Saved Searches when you log in to turboDial.

If you want all Saved Searches deleted you should ask all Users in your Keap account to each perform the deletion in their accounts.