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Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

  1. What browser should I use?

  2. Is it required that I enable cookies in my browser when I use turboDial?

  3. I am clicking the turboDial button on the Contact Record but nothing happens.

  4. Every time I click a turboDial link a new turboDial window opens. Why isn’t it keeping the current turboDial window and changing the contact info on it?

  5. Every time I click a turboDial link turboDial requires me to re-login. Why isn’t it keeping me logged in and just changing the contact info?

  6. I use Chrome and receive an error that access to the microphone is not allowed.

  7. turboDial remains hidden behind other windows when I click the turboDial button on a Contact Record.

  8. I saw an alert from turboDial and I checked the box to prevent further alerts. Now I can’t add a new Caller ID or Calling Device. What can I do?

  9. Does turboDial work behind firewalls?

Questions & Answers

What browser should I use?

Use FireFox or Chrome.

Every browser-based app of any complexity must be designed to work best for one browser, and if other browsers can also be supported then that’s a bonus. turboDial works on either Firefox or Chrome.

Internet Explorer, Safari, Edge, and Opera are not supported.

Is it required that I enable cookies in my browser when I use turboDial?

Yes, this is mandatory. Do not expect to have any success with turboDial unless your browser supports cookies.

The cookies placed by turboDial are not for any tracking purpose; instead, they are an important part of the client-server communications that are required for turboDial to function.

In order for turboDial to work right, at minimum you must allow cookies from—you do not have to allow cookies from all sites.



  • If you’re in Firefox, go here: about:preferences#privacy
  • Once there, scroll down to the Cookies and Site Data header, then click the Manage Permissions… button.
  • Enter in, click the Allow button, then click the Save Changes button.

To learn more about managing your cookies or enabling them for Firefox and Chrome, please click the respective links below:



I am clicking the turboDial button on the Contact Record but nothing happens.

You must have your browser set to enable Pop-Ups from  and from your own Keap account, which will be similar to but not the same as this: .

Instructions for enabling pop-ups in FireFox are here.

Instructions for enabling pop-ups in Chrome are here.

Every time I click a turboDial link a new turboDial window opens. Why isn’t it keeping the current turboDial window and changing the contact info on it?

This problem is seen primarily by Google Chrome users. With Chrome, if you are working with Keap in multiple browser tabs or windows turboDial will create a new instance of itself for each browser tab or window you launch it from.

If you use Chrome then it is strongly recommended that you use the same browser window and tab for each new contact you launch turboDial from; use only a single browser tab for all of your Keap page views. With that approach turboDial can limit itself to a single instance.

Note that Keap guidelines caution against using Keap in multiple browser tabs or windows because there are cases where corruption of your Keap data can result.

If you use FireFox then you should not encounter this problem. turboDial can limit itself to a single instance no matter how many browser tabs and windows you are using. So, you may consider using FireFox instead of Chrome to avoid launching multiple turboDial windows.

Every time I click a turboDial link turboDial requires me to re-login. Why isn’t it keeping me logged in and just changing the contact info?

First, be sure you are not quitting the turboDial app window at then end of your call. When your call completes you should simply hangup and leave the turboDial window active. Then, the next turboDial link you click will cause the current turboDial window to re-focus on the newly selected contact.

Second, refer also to the previous FAQ regarding multiple turboDial windows.

I use Chrome and receive an error that access to the microphone is not allowed.

Please follow the instructions from Google at this page to enable your microphone:

The page you want to permit access for is:

turboDial remains hidden behind other windows when I click the turboDial button on a Contact Record.

This problem cannot be avoided in Chrome. Instead, try to keep the turboDial panel positioned on your screen where it is never covered by another window.
In Firefox you can adjust the settings to allow turboDial to bring its window to the front. Follow these steps in Firefox:

    • Go to url        about:config
    • Search           dom.disable_window_flip
    • Click or set    Value to false

    I saw an alert from turboDial and I checked the box to prevent further alerts. Now I can’t add a new Caller ID or Calling Device. What can I do?

    You need to log out of turboDial, close the turboDial window and then re-launch it and login again.

    The alerts from turboDial are always important. Please do not accept your browser’s offer to disable them.

    Does turboDial work behind firewalls?

    Yes! Because turboDial runs in a web browser like any other web application there are no special network configuration requirements needed to use it, in most cases.