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Call Outcomes & Call Outcome Automation

Click on any of the following questions to jump to the answer:

  1. I created my Call Outcomes in the Call Outcomes custom field, but they don’t appear in turboDial.

  2. My API Goal in Keap does not trigger when the associated Call Outcome is saved in turboDial.

Questions & Answers

I created my Call Outcomes in the Call Outcomes custom field, but they don’t appear in turboDial.

The first thing to ask is this: Did you create your Call Outcome custom field for the Contact Record?  If so, that is incorrect – you must create the Call Outcome custom field as a Task/Appt/Note-type custom field.
See this article again for more information about creating your custom fields.

The second thing to check is, did you name your custom field “Call Outcome”?  Any other name will not work. For example, do not pluralize the word Outcome.

My API Goal in Keap does not trigger when the associated Call Outcome is saved in turboDial.

The first thing to try is Resetting your API Goals in turboDial. Your turboDial account owner can do that on this page.

However, the most common reason for this problem is simply that the Integration and Call Name fields in your API Goal are not correct.
The Integration field must be:   turboDial
The Call Name field must be your Call Outcome phrase modified to remove all characters except numbers and letters.  See full instructions here.