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>>Recording Inbound Calls

Inbound & Outbound Recording is Different

Recording Inbound calls is accomplished differently than for Outbound calls. With Outbound calls you can decide at the time of placing the call if you want to record the call. But with Inbound calls you must decide when you setup the Inbound phone number if you want inbound calls to that number to be recorded.

Recording for Inbound calls requires the Hosted Voice upgrade (or just the Enhanced Inbound add-on).

Configure a Number to Record Inbound Calls

The basic approach is to follow these steps for each Inbound Number you want to record calls for:

  1. Select the number in the “Inbound&SMS” section of turboDial
  2. Click the red pencil button above the number  to open the first configuration screen.
  3. Find the option “Record inbound calls to this number?” and check the box next to it.

Only a user with Admin privileges will have access to these configuration steps.

The full steps to configure an Inbound number to record calls are explained in the video found in the Overview of Enhanced Inbound section.

Call Notes for Recorded Inbound Calls

If you have the Enhanced Inbound add-on then turboDial automatically creates a Note record with every inbound call and if the Contact is found in Keap turboDial attaches the Note to the Contact Record.

If you have enabled the Global Option to “Add Missing Contact on Calls&SMS?” then a Contact will be created if necessary.

If no Contact is found the Note record is still created but it will not be attached to a Contact record. Your Task Note Reports that filter for Inbound calls in Keap will still include this Note record even though it is not assigned to a Contact.

The Note record will always be assigned ownership to the User the Inbound Number is assigned to.

If the inbound call is recorded then the Note record is updated at the end of the call to include information about the call recording:

  • The Note title will include “- Recorded”
  • The Call Recording custom field will be filled in with the URL of the recording that was created during the call. You can use that field as a link to playback or download the recording as a .wav file.

Call Notes for Calls placed on HOLD or PARK
The above Note record updates also occur when you place a recorded call on HOLD or PARK. In addition, when you take a recorded call off HOLD or PARK a new recording of the call will begin and at the end of that call a new Note record is created with a special title:

turboDial: Resume Call off Hold – Recorded

Call Reports

For information on Recorded Call Reports, see Call Recording Reports .

Storage of Your Call Recordings

Your recordings are stored by Twilio in your Twilio account. The Call Recording Link is a link to the Twilio stored recording. See the Pricing page for information about the cost of long-term storage of your recordings.

The cost for storing recordings in Twilio can become expensive once you have a lot of recordings stored. Because of that, turboDial came up with a way for your to transfer call recordings from Twilio to your Keap Contacts’ File Boxes. If you are interested in learning more about that, please click here.

If you are the account owner, you can also find a list of your Call Recordings in your turboDial Management Account. When you open the “View Call Recordings” link on that page you can right-click to download any individual recording listed there.

For information on Recorded Call Reports, see Call Recording Reports .
