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Working with Tasks

Display Tasks Feature

See this page for instructions on enabling the Display Tasks feature.

When you enable “Display Tasks” in turboDial the following features become available:

  • A “Tasks” tab is added is the lower-left quadrant of the turboDial panel, next to the “Call Outcomes” tab. This new tab will display the incomplete Tasks that are currently due and past-due for the Contact that turboDial is currently focused on.
    • The Tasks tab includes the capability to select one or more Tasks in the list and mark them as “Complete” in Keap.
  • Three items are added to the Saved Search selector for List Dialing: one for “My Tasks Due”, one for “Filter My Tasks” and one for “All Tasks Due”. See this page for more information on List Dialing with Tasks.
Add Task Buttons

There are two methods available in the turboDial panel for the purpose of adding a task to the currently displayed contact.

  • Quick Add Task button – This button becomes visible when you enable the “Display My Tasks & Quick Add?” option in the Global Options. This Quick Add method pre-fills fields so the task can be added with one or two keystrokes.
  • New Task quick link – This link is found in the row of “Quick Links” in the contact info area of the turboDial panel. This Quick Link method pops up the Keap Add Task form to allow you access to all fields in the task.