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Call Numbers Not In Keap

You can call a number that is not in a Contact Record by typing the number into the “Search or Number” field and then choosing “Enter Number” from the list of phone numbers for the Contact you are currently displaying. You can also “paste” numbers into that field you have copied to your clipboard from other web pages or applications on your computer. Once you enter your number in that field you can click the “Call” button and proceed as normal.

However, calling a number this way raises the question of – “Should turboDial attach a note to the Contact Record? – because the number you enter may not be associated with the displayed contact.

So, if you regularly have a need to call numbers that are not associated with Contacts we recommend you create a special Contact in your Keap account, named “Manual Dialing” (first name = “Manual” and last name = “Dialing”) and place all of your manually dialed phone calls with that special Contact Record displayed in turboDial. And in this approach you can allow the note to be attached to the Contact Record so that your Contact named “Manual Dialing” will hold notes for all of your manually dialed calls.

A benefit of having the “Manual Dialing” Contact is that after you launch turboDial by clicking the asterisk on your browser toolbar then clicking the Launch turboDial link, turboDial will automatically set itself to “Manual Dialing.”

IMPORTANT: If you have the Restrict views to owned records Global Option set to ON, the Manual Dialing Contact(s) must be owned by the user logging in, or be unassigned / unowned in order for turboDial to automatically set itself to Manual Dialing right after login.

Example 1: Assume Restrict views to owned records is OFF, and there’s only one Manual Dialing Contact which is unassigned / unowned. Any user that logs in will have their turboDial panel automatically set to Manual Dialing.

Example 2: Assume Restrict views to owned records is ON, and there’s only one Manual Dialing Contact which is assigned to user A. Any user(s) other than A will not have their turboDial panel automatically set to Manual Dialing when they login because they aren’t Manual Dialing’s owner.

Example 3: Assume Restrict views to owned records is ON, and there’s a Manual Dialing Contact assigned to user A and another that is unassigned / unowned. When user A logs in, their turboDial panel will be automatically set to the Manual Dialing Contact they own. For any other user(s),  their turboDial panel will be automatically set to the unassigned / unowned Manual Dialing Contact.


  • Create an Keap contact named “Manual Dialing”
    • Leave the phone fields empty
    • Set the Billing Country field to your country
  • To make a manually dialed call follow these steps:
    1. Enter “man dia” in the turboDial search field and press Enter. turboDial will move to the Manual Dialing contact.
    2. Type (or paste) the phone number you are calling into the search field, e.g. 8885551212
    3. Click the Call button.

IMPORTANT: If the Restrict views to owned records Global Option is set to ON, each user will need their own ‘Manual Dialing’ contact, and each ‘Manual Dialing’ contact assigned to each respective user.