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  3. Making Outbound Calls
  4. Using “Continuous Connect”

Using “Continuous Connect”

When using a phone as your Calling Device to make calls the Continuous Connect feature decreases the time to call a list of contacts by eliminating the steps to ring and answer your phone at the beginning of each call. When you finish a call, rather than hang up your phone instead allow turboDial to put your phone in to “hold” mode where it can wait for the next call to begin. Then when you start the next call your phone can be immediately brought off hold and the called party’s phone begins ringing.

When you enter hold mode you will hear “Holding” announced to you.

If you don’t want to wait for the other party to disconnect you can disconnect them by pressing the * key (asterisk) on your phone keypad, or clicking once on the Hangup button on turboDial. When you do that your phone will be put in to hold mode.

If you have disabled the * key as a method for hanging up a call then only the Hangup button can be used disconnect a call.

When you enter hold mode you will hear “Holding” announced to you.

In addition to ending your call with the * key or the Hangup button, if your call fails for reasons such as line busy, bad number, etc. you will enter hold mode.

Continuous Connect does not apply to calls made with your PC and a headset.

Watch this video for a full demonstration.