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Measure Results with Dashboard Reports

Measure Results with Dashboard Reports

Dashboard reports can be tailored to your needs.  Steps to defining useful Dashboard reports include:

  1. Decide what information you need to manage your call team
  2. Setup Dashboard reports to display that information

It is often useful to generate initial information that presents a high level summary, and then drill down to more detailed information.  For example,

  • Calls Last Month -> Calls Last Week -> Calls Yesterday
  • Outbound Calls -> Mary’s Outbound Calls -> Mary’s Calls Resulting in a Sale

Starting at a higher level gives a context to interpret subsequent data.

In turboDial there are 2 primary types of reports:

  • Reports About Calls. These are important for measuring the effort that is applied to a phone calling campaign, and also the effectiveness of that effort.
    Effort is often measured using reports about the numbers of calls. For example, if you have a list of 1000 contacts to call you can divide that list up in your team and assign a target number of calls that each team member needs to make per day. With a turboDial Calls report on your Keap dashboard you can track the calling activity of each team member and make sure the whole team stays on the right pace.Effectiveness is often measured using reports about Call Outcomes.

Call reports generated from turboDial Call Note Records can be organized in several ways:

  1. Date or Interval.  Examples include Month to Date, Year to Date, Last 7 days, or a specific date interval.
  2. Call Volume.  Summary statistics can be generated to show, for example, Total Number of Calls, and can be broken down by call type (Inbound/Outbound/SMS), User, Date or Interval.  Statistical calculations can also be included to show Average, Sum, Min and Max.
  3. Users. Reports can be generated by Keap User.
  4. Call Results (Call Outcome). Reports can be generated by Call Outcome to indicate status and sales progress.

See the “Reports About Calls” section for more information.

  • Reports About the Contacts Who Were Called. These are also important for measuring the effectiveness of a phone calling campaign. With turboDial you can easily apply a tag after a call and use that tag to indicate important results were achieved with a contact: they became a customer, they made an appointment, they want you to send more information, and so on. It’s those changes in the contact that represent phone call effectiveness.

See the “Reports About Contacts” section for more information.