When no phone agent is available to answer a call you can play your greeting to the caller and automatically move them to a queue where any agent can connect to the call when they free up.
Video Guide to Setup
Addendum to the Video – Auto-Greet
The addition of the Auto-Greet feature has slightly changed the layout of the configuration screen for Call Queueing. The Auto-Greet setting now appears at the top of the screen and the remaining Call Queueing portion is largely unchanged

Addendum to the Video – Time of Day Routing is Required
You should not depend on turboDial to accurately determine if your User Agents are available and logged in to turboDial. Instead, you should use the Time of Day Routing feature on your Inbound Number where Call Queuing is configured. You can setup Time of Day Routing to ensure that calls are only queued during the working hours when you have staff logged in to turboDial.