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Automation Triggered when an Outbound Call is Attempted

A “Call Attempt” occurs when turboDial begins ringing a number that is being called from turboDial (outbound call). With all call attempts except “Intercom Calls” turboDial will trigger an API Goal for the contact being called. This Call Attempt API Goal is triggered regardless what happens with the call after it is initiated, that is, it is triggered for both calls that are answered and calls that are not answered.

Please Read: After you add or change an API Goal in your Keap Campaign Builder you must inform turboDial to look for it by clicking the Reset Disabled Goals button in your turboDial Management Account.

See the “Call Attempt Reporting” section below for information on how to use these tools to create reports to track Call Attempts.

Normal Calls

To have a goal triggered for the case when a normal outbound Call Attempt occurs you can create an API Goal in a Campaign Builder sequence and set these values in it:

  • Integration: turboDialCall
  • Call Name: DialAttempt
Power Dial Calls

A Power Dial “Call Attempt” occurs when turboDial begins ringing a number as part of the group of numbers being simultaneously called using Power Dial. For example, if you have Power Dial set to call 4 numbers simultaneously then when the call begins all 4 Contacts will receive a Power Dial Call Attempt goal trigger*. And, since only 1 Contact can answer a Power Dial call, only 1 of the 4 Contacts called will also receive the “Call Answered” goal trigger that is described above.

*Note: In rare cases one Contact in a group being called with Power Dial can answer before calls have started to all of the other Contacts in the group. In that case, the Power Dial Attempt goal will not trigger for a Contact whose call attempt was not started.

To have a goal triggered for the case when a Power Dial Call Attempt occurs you can create an API Goal in a Campaign Builder sequence and set these values in it:

  • Integration: turboDialCall
  • Call Name: PowerDialAttempt

Power Dial: Example Use Case:

Do you want a tag placed on Contacts who were attempted with Power Dial but were never connected to a phone call?

You can combine use of this automation trigger with use of the Automation Trigger When a Call is Answered to accomplish that. Use the Power Dial attempt trigger to trigger your automation that applies a tag indicating a Power Dial attempt occurred. Then use the Call Answered trigger to remove that tag. When you are finished calling your list only Contact who were attempted but never connected will have that tag.

Dynamic Dial Calls

A Dynamic Dial “Call Attempt” occurs when turboDial begins ringing a number as in an attempt to achieve a connected call using Dynamic Dial feature.

To have a goal triggered for the case when a Dynamic Dial Call Attempt occurs you can create an API Goal in a Campaign Builder sequence and set these values in it:

  • Integration: turboDialCall
  • Call Name: DynamicDialAttempt