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SMS Note Records

SMS Note Records

Every SMS has an automatic note record with a title that begins “turboDial: SMS”:

  • turboDial: SMS Inbound To +CCNNNXXXYYYY
  • turboDial: SMS Outbound From +CCNNNXXXYYYY

Where +CCNNNXXXYYYY is the phone number the SMS was sent to or from.

Campaign-sent SMS text messages (only available if you have the Campaign SMS add-on) will have a note record title like this:

  • turboDial: SMS Outbound From +CCNNNXXXYYYY (auto)

Manually-sent SMS text messages will have a note record title like this:

  • turboDial: SMS Outbound From +CCNNNXXXYYYY (manual)

An SMS sent from a campaign will function just like any other SMS you send using turboDial, which means a Note record documenting the SMS will be left on the Contact record allowing it to show up in your Dashboard reports. The title of that note record will have ‘(auto)’ appended.

That Note record also saves information that allows replies to the SMS message to be routed correctly.