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Contact Search Tool

All versions of turboDial include a search tool that provides rapid access to your contacts. Enter a search query and press Enter, and if a single contact matches that query turboDial will immediately switch to focus on that contact. If more than one contact matches the query then turboDial launches a selection window you can use to choose the intended contact, and as soon as you make your choice turboDial immediately switches to focus on that contact.

If you have enabled the global option to “Restrict views to owned records” then this tool will only return Contact Records owned by the user conducting the search.

Here are some tips on entering search queries:

  • A query that includes only letters is assumed to be a search by name.
  • A search by name can include a space to separate first and last name. If no space is included then the letters provided are assumed to be for the first name.
  • A query that includes numbers is assumed to be a search by phone number.
  • A query that includes an ‘@’ symbol is assumed to be a search by email address.
  • You can enter just a portion of the value and turboDial returns all contacts that match that portion. For example if you enter ‘b j’ turboDial will look for contacts whose first name begins with ‘b’ and last name begins with ‘j’.
  • You can use an asterisk ‘*’ as a wild-card character on any search type. The wild-card will match any character or string of characters. The non-wild-card characters in your query will be used to determine which type of search you want: search by name, phone or email.
  • When a large number of contacts match your query turboDial limits the return to a list of 20. In this case you may need to further refine your query string and try again.
Other types of Search Tool Queries

The search field also has a few handy functions that may be useful to you.

  • If you’re viewing a Contact that has at least one contact linked to it (see Keap’s Linked Contacts feature) and would like to see which Contact(s) are linked to it, enter /linked or /l into the search field then press your Return or Enter key to search. If there is a linked Contact turboDial will move to focus on that Contact. If there are multiple linked contacts a popup window will display the linked Contacts and allow you to choose one.
    • Example:  /linked
    • Example: /l
  • If you want to search for Contacts associated with a given Company, enter /co followed by part or all of the Company name, then press Return or Enter.
    • Example: /co Enron
  • If you’d like to reset API goals, you can enter /reset api goals, then press Return or Enter.
    • Example: /reset api goals
Special Tool for Enhanced Inbound Feature

If you have the Enhanced Inbound feature then the Search Tool has an additional function. You can find the note ‘ID’ for a Call Note created for an inbound call, and enter that ID using a forward slash followed by the ID number, like this example: /12345 . turboDial will find that Call Note and use it to re-send the screen pop call alert to the turboDial panel. You can then access the Assign Buttons in that call alert in the same way you can for an alert that arrives at the time of an inbound call.