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  5. Automatically set an Opportunity Next Action Date

Automatically set an Opportunity Next Action Date

With turboDial you can access a special “Set Action Date” utility for automatically setting the Next Action Date of an Opportunity. The Set Action Date Tool can be installed into any Campaign Sequence in your Keap account.

If you sometimes create multiple Opportunities for a single Keap Contact, please note this utility only operates on a Contact’s most recently created Opportunity.

Adapting the example from the guide document on “Call Outcome Automation” the following example shows how to set the Action Date 3 days out when the “Requested More Info” Call Outcome is set.

In your Campaign, the Campaign Goal and Sequence would look like this:

Inside the sequence, an HTTP POST process is added like this:

Inside the HTTP POST process the setup would look similar to this:

In this example the Next Action Date is set to 3 days beyond the date when the script is called. For example, if the script is called on January 12, 2016 then the Next Action Date will be set to January 15, 2016. The Time of day for the Next Action will not be modified.

You can find the setup parameters for the HTTP POST in your turboDial management account at https://sd123.customerhub.net .