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List Dialing for Saved Reports

Some record types in Keap can only be aggregated using Saved Reports rather than Saved Searches. turboDial cannot access your Saved Reports, so that poses a problem if you need to make calls to the Contacts who are identified in a Saved Report.

There are 2 methods available to achieve your goal… read on.

Can You Apply a Tag?

Some Saved Reports in Keap allow you to apply a tag from the “Action” menu that is available when you are viewing the report listing. If your report allows that then use that method to apply a new unique tag to the contacts in your report, and then define a new Saved Search based on that tag. Once you’ve completed that step you can close and re-launch turboDial, and the Saved Search you just created will be available for you to Load.

If You Cannot Apply a Tag

There is a second method to create a Saved Search based on a Saved Report. It takes less that 5 minutes to complete these steps.

Here are the steps:

  1. Display your Saved Report in Keap.
  2. Use the “Export” option to export the Saved Report into a csv file. Only the Contact ID field needs to be included in the export.
  3. Initiate the “Data Cleanup” feature found in the Admin menu of Keap.
  4. Choose to “Modify Existing Records”. Click Next.
  5. Choose “Contacts” as the record type you will modify. Click Next.
  6. On the “Upload Your File” screen click the “Browse” button and choose the csv file you exported in step 2. Click Next.
  7. On the “Match Your Fields to Keap Fields” screen map the Contact ID field from your csv file to “Keap’s Contact ID”. Click Next.
  8. On the “Final Review…” screen click the link to “Run some actions…”
  9. On the drop-down selector that appears choose “Apply/Remove” a tag and then choose the tag you want to apply. You may need to create the tag using the link available for that.
  10. Save those choices then click “Done”. Your “Data Cleanup” will run and apply your tag to all of the Contacts who were included in your Saved Report.
  11. Click to “View Contacts” in Keap.
  12. Start a new search of Contacts, and configure the search to choose the tag you just applied to the desired Contacts.
  13. Save that search and give it a name.
  14. Close and re-launch turboDial. The new Saved Search will now appear in the List Dialing selector for you to import.