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  4. Account Management Overview

Account Management Overview

The management of your turboDial Account requires both a login to your turboDial Management Account, and administrative permissions when you are logged into the turboDial app:

  1. Log in at your turboDial Management Account at https://sd123.customerhub.net .
    This account is accessed using the account owner’s email address and a unique password not associated with Keap or any other system.
    The Primary Account Owner may share these login credentials with other users who need access to manage the turboDial account with no risk that credit card or other sensitive information will be exposed.
    The turboDial Management Account is used to manage credit cards and billing, upgrade/downgrade turboDial and to add or remove Users in your account.
  2. Launch the turboDial panel and log in as either the Primary Account owner or the Secondary Account owner. Both Primary and Secondary owners have access to the “Admin” tools in the turboDial panel that can be used to configure the features of turboDial.

If you have forgotten the account owner’s login info for the turboDial Management Account then submit the account owner’s email address in the form in the right-column of this page and those details will be emailed to them.

Please review each of the guide sections linked in the left column.

Setup & Administration by the Non-Primary Owner

If you are delegating turboDial setup and administration to an employee or consultant, you can do the following:

  1. Share your account owner login email and password for your turboDial Management account with the delegate. There is no risk that credit card or other sensitive information will be exposed.
  2. Install the delegate’s Keap ID email address into the Secondary Account Owner’s Email Address form. (After step 1, the delegate can perform this second step on their own behalf.)

With those two items your delegate will have the necessary access to setup and administer your turboDial application.